Thursday, March 22, 2007 / Flickr

Finally, I organized my web-related links using this tools. My side bar looks cleaner and easier to look for the links I want to open. Thanks to the technologies and the teachers.
Mark helped to make this page look fancy

Monday, March 12, 2007

Wikis Week

Setting up one PBwiki for my daughter and her friends (grade 6-8) who are staying Guelph during the spring break. But it took me for a while to figure out how the things work properly. Understood the basics. I think it is a great tool for the educational use and the community building on the web. Not sure how will it be useful in my working area in the future. I like the clean look of "PBwiki" (sidebar). But I found Wetpaint is easier to edit the page and use the tool bar. Thank God that Amanda will give us a kind of break for two weeks soon!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Feeding Week

It's an eye-opening! Again I chose the "Google Reader" since it's easy, simple and clean. Established my web based news-stand-station for myself. Might be good to check wherever I'm. My work station (luckily 7 Explorer) makes it easy to organize all the FEEDs. Great tool to check publisher's web. and other's blogs. All I have to do is to click once in a while. I logged on the "Photopage Web. interface" which Alex kindly introduced. Not tried yet. But I sent one to my daughter. She might have been using it long ago? I don't know.
My Question;

How do you publish your own RSS?
When I searched other's sites, if they have RSS, then I know right a way because it highlights my Feed icon on my computer. Buy many publishers do not seem to have RSS function yet. I noticed that all Mac families have already.