It's an eye-opening! Again I chose the "Google Reader" since it's easy, simple and clean. Established my web based news-stand-station for myself. Might be good to check wherever I'm. My work station (luckily 7 Explorer) makes it easy to organize all the FEEDs. Great tool to check publisher's web. and other's blogs. All I have to do is to click once in a while. I logged on the "Photopage Web. interface" which Alex kindly introduced. Not tried yet. But I sent one to my daughter. She might have been using it long ago? I don't know.
My Question;
How do you publish your own RSS?
When I searched other's sites, if they have RSS, then I know right a way because it highlights my Feed icon on my computer. Buy many publishers do not seem to have RSS function yet. I noticed that all Mac families have already.